Friday, December 17, 2010

I'm spreading myself too thin

So I've been working on my fiction and my photography lately.  I don't know why the two go hand in hand, but they seem to.  When I'm creative at one, it bumps my creativity in the other.  But that means that I've been neglecting a few other blogs.  So, what I'm going to try for a little while is blending the blogs together.  Hopefully you'll like it.  But if you don't, let me know, and I may change it back. 

I'm going to be transitioning to this blog from my WordPress hosted Making Our Dream Life Happen blog.  There's a lot of posts there, so it'll be up for quite a while longer, but the majority of new posts will be made here.

Since part of my dream life includes earning money from my photography and my non-fiction writing, I will be combining those blogs here.  Fiction will continue to have it's own site.  I will (as always) label my posts, so you'll be able to search my photography by clicking on the label photography.  If you're only interested in homeschooling, then click that tab.  And so on and so on.  I hope it makes it easier to find something specific, while allowing me to have a single place to post all of these things. 

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