Plans... We make them, break them, change them, cancel them. Then start the whole cycle all over again. Why? Because - at least in this house - the plans never come together as... well, planned. We should just learn to roll with the punches. But alas, that's not us.
So, we've been talking more and more about getting back to our original plans. Maybe later this year. Maybe a year from now. Maybe 7 years from now, when the twins graduate.
But we're back to dreaming of our gypsy life... I long to live in an RV, traveling place to place where the hubby can work, and I can write and photograph my way through the rest of this crazy thing called life. I want to show my littles this great big world... or at least a few thousand square miles of it. Take them to the historical, the beautiful. From sea to shining sea. The deserts, the mountains, the plains, and more.
One is completely fine with it, especially if there's wifi available. The other... not so much. He loves school.
So, we'll see where that goes over the coming months.