School is going well. Some days I get frustrated and feel that I'm spending more time just doing homework with them, than I was this time last year, with teaching the entire curriculum. Then I remember last year we didn't do so hot. And they are enjoying it. They're way ahead in History, Science, Reading, and are on or slightly above level in Spelling. They both struggle some in math, but they're getting the hang of things, and it's getting easier. As much as I dread the homework sheets, they've told me several times that "we're actually learning something". First, ouch. Second, they learned plenty before, it just wasn't as quantifiable or as structured as it is now. And so far, they are enjoying the structure. To be honest, I am, too.
I miss seeing the way their face lights up when they get a new concept. Or when we're reading something funny. But I don't miss the struggles, trying to fit everything in, cobbling together a curriculum that I'm happy with, and the constant worry that I'm leaving something important out. I don't miss that part a bit. Well, okay, maybe a bit - but it's a really tiny bit.
Well, I started a new job working weekends only. It's oilfield dispatching, which I enjoy. Right after I started, I got a call from a company that I used to consult with earlier this year. The girl that we hired to replace me had quit. So I worked for him a few days, found him an employee, got her trained and ready to go. Then my last long-term employer called. He also needed some help training a new employee. I found myself going from no job (which never lasts long for me, even when I claim it's what I want) to having one full-time job, and consulting with two different clients. I've narrowed that down to one full-time job and consulting with only the former long-term employer now. We're in a pretty good routine, but it's strange for me. I work full-time 50+ hours per week. I consult approximately 25-30 hours per week at the other company. Yet I'm still only working 5 days per week. And my schedule is crazy!!
Life is crazy, and really, that's nothing new in this household.